
You don’t have to speak a foreign language to enter into the world of the martial science of Tai Chi, which has been medically documented by some of the leading healthcare institutions, such as the Mayo Clinic, Emory Medical University and Harvard Medical University.

Tai Chi will help to improve your sporting activities, and enjoy the ride along the way. What you will experience can be applied not only to your favorite sport, but to every aspect of your life, bringing you to moments of clarity and focus, emotional balance and renewed energy and strength.

Sports Tai Chi offers individualized exercises that can enhance and improve your abilities. The exercises are designed to “slow” your thinking process and tune into mind/body integration that helps us move with awareness and heightens our focusing capabilities.

We have all heard of “being in the zone”, however, how many of us have actually experienced this phenomenon or been able to remain there? The zone happens when you feel connected and in harmony with your technique; time has slowed down and your motions are effortless. Your performance level is peaking. Imagine being in this non-resistant state where you are not distracted by your thoughts, your emotions are tranquil and balanced, and your body is moving instinctively.

Sports-Tai Chi is concerned with increasing the “chi” (vital or essential energy) dynamic within each of us, allowing our personal rhythms to return to a state of equilibrium. This has a tremendous affect on the dynamic quality of play in sports. This desired state of symmetry can be experienced through Rosann’s model approach of Breathing techniques, Tai Chi exercises, Sitting Tai Chi meditation, and Chi-Kung massage. These various techniques allow the sports enthusiast to appreciate a different quality in play, as the experience of “The Zone” and chi-focus and balance, accelerate the competence level.