Ian Ziering from 90210 and Rosann Argenti

Ian Ziering of the hti TV Series 90210 and Rosann Argenti

Why Wait Until the Stars are in Alignment?

Do you sometimes feel that you are under pressure, whereby there isn’t enough time in the day to accomplish everything you need to do? Do you put your own life on the back burner hoping that one day you will have the time to include yourself in your own life?

It is a common ailment to feel that we have to wait for our lives to arrive at a balance before we can fully participate in what is truly important to us. However, there is a solution.

A Universal Law exists, which briefly states that if you focus clearly on what it is that you truly are dedicated to, you will attract that positive force to you. However, you must have clarity of mind to be able to carry out this task. A simple exercise such as following your own breath can bring you to moments of heightened awareness. It is this “space between thoughts” that activates your consciousness and allows focused clarity to become part of your everyday life. It is this slowing down process that alleviates the mind and body tensions that inhibit our full participation in our very own lives. The more relaxed we are, the more present we are. How simple it all truly is given the fact that our breath is our life force and readily available at all times.

So remember to follow your breath while you are driving the car and relax your grip on the wheel; remember to follow your breath while you are in a state of discomfort and feel the “letting go” in that moment; remember to follow your breath while you are playing your sport, and experience moving with ease and awareness.

The more you follow your breathing pattern, your ability to focus increases, and you will arrive at a state of equilibrium. This allows you to be more available and present in the moment. Be patient and persevere. It is in that state of alignment that Life brings to you that which you have wanted.

For further education on proper breathing exercises, take a peek at my Zone Shop. . .